Thursday, 14 June 2012

One Step Ahead + Budget Beater - Malefics

Since my last post, the popularity of Chaos Dragons has sky rocketed, and I can see why - an explosive deck that can pack a ton of high-attack monsters, with an OTK that's not exactly difficult to pull off. Perfect, right? Considering this, today's budget beater is a deck that is not only cheap, but should be really good against Chaos Dragons, as it can churn bigger monsters out, and pressure them to OTK when they don't need to. It is, of course, Malefics:

13 Monsters
3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon
3 Malefic Stardust Dragon
3 Beast King Barbaros
2 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh

19 Spells
3 Trade-In
3 Pot of Duality
3 Terraforming
3 Geartown
3 Necrovalley
2 Royal Tribute
2 Forbidden Lance

8 Traps
3 Skill Drain
3 Dark Bribe
2 Starlight Road 

The monster line-up is pretty basic. 11 Level-8 Monsters gives me plenty of targets for Trade-In, which speeds the deck up greatly and gives it a consistency that some anti-meta decks lack. The reason the deck is so good in the Chaos Dragon and Dino Rabbit match-ups is because Malefic Stardust and Malefic Cyber End are bigger than almost all of the monsters in their deck. It's incredibly difficult for a Chaos Dragon player to destroy a 4000 attack monster, especially under Skill Drain. Chaos Dragons also have to wait for the right time to OTK you - they can't just do it on a whim because cards like Gorz and Tragoedia will run their day, using Malefics you can hit the player for damage, while they're unable to do anything because all they have is Chaos Monsters. 

I explained in my Gravekeeper article why I think Necrovalley is important, and I play a full three copies in here, along with 3 Terraformings to search them. The high Spell/Trap count makes Royal Tribute a great card for getting rid of the Chaos Dragon player's whole hand. Most Dragon players playing upwards of 25 monsters means Tribute will always be a big hit, with Necrovalley and Skill Drain stopping them from playing from their Graveyard. Forbidden Lance rounds off the Spells - proving useful at making sure my summons go through uninterrupted - although I may test Eradicator Epidemic Viruses in their place, as they better against the Rabbit and Rogue decks at wiping out 3 turns of Spells/Traps.

The Trap count is attributed to 2 things - Firstly I don't have a problem with destroying monsters, my Malefics have more attack than nearly any card played in popular decks. Secondly, Life Points can be precious when using this deck in particular, as the 3 Skill Drains and the occasional turns without monsters may leave you low. With that said, Solemn Warning and Judgment are poor choices as they may often be detrimental to your success. Instead, Dark Bribe acts as a barrier against 1 for 1 removal, protecting your invaluable summons, and stopping power spells such as Future Fusion or Miracle Fusion, and Starlight Road helps protect your cards from heavy Storm, Dark Hole and Torrential Tribute. 
The deck is currently untested, but there's nothing in it that won't work. All that needs doing is tweaking and refining. 


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