Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Budget Beater #3 - GeminiCasters

In this week's installment of Budget Beaters I'll be reviewing a deck that I made by accident and turned out to be kick-ass.

The story started on Pojo, where a fellow user was looking for deck advice. He presented a pretty, to be honest, horrible Spellcaster deck that contained mostly 1-of cards like Gemini Elfs and Dark Eradicator Warlock. I presented him with an extremely cheap version of DrainCasters, which basically played 3 Skilled Dark Magician, 3 Crusader of Endymion, 3 Breaker and 3 Cyber Dragon with 3 Chaos Sorcerer for extra muscle and a myriad of 1 for 1 spells and traps like Smashing Ground and Dimensional Prison. He didn't take my advice, but afterwards I went and built a slightly up-market build with Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning as the boss monster, and a couple of Anti-Meta cards such as Thunder King Rai-Oh and Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. It was at this point I remember that Magical Dimension existed, so I added that in to accompany my 10 Spellcasters. I played around with the deck on the unrated section of Dueling Network and found that it wasn't very good and needed changing, so I went back to square one and started again.

This time, I decided to search on the deck builder "Level 4, Spellcaster, Gemini" monsters. There's only 2; Crusader (which I was already playing) and Tuned Magician. I added 3 Copies of Tuned Magician in and 3 Copies of Gemini Spark; taking out the Magical Dimensions because the Spellcaster has to be in your hand, and as yet there's no "Reinforcement of the Wizard" card. After that the deck all fell into place. Testing with it today, 3 days after it's conception, I've managed to win 6 out of 7 games that I played, all against top decks this format such as TourPlants and Agents. Here's the list:

1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
2 Chaos Sorcerer
3 Breaker the Magical Warrior
3 Tuned Magician
3 Crusader of Endymion
2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Effect Veiler

3 Gemini Spark 
3 Pot of Duality
2 Wonder Wand
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon

2 Dimensional Prison
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Magician's Circle
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Trap Dustshoot

The first thing to cover is obviously the Monsters. Starting it off we have the ubiquitous Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. 3000 double attack makes it the best card that's legal at the moment. Period. With 7 lights and 7 darks it's awfully easy to summon him and when I do it's usually going to win me the game. Next is Solider's little brother who managed to get out of jail early. Chaos Sorcerer is a smaller, less threatening BLS that is used more as a beatstick that a game-ender. It can be used to win games, but usually it's putting pressure on the opponent.

My Spellcaster line-up consists of 3 Breaker the Magical Warrior, 3 Tuned Magician, 3 Crusader and 2 Kycoo. Breaker is a +1 on Summon, need a say more. Between this and Gemini Spark there's really no need for Mystical Space Typhoon, and dropping my big guys is never a problem because Breaker sucks up the backrow. He does for me what Tengu did for most decks last format; the dirty work. 3 Tuned Magician and 3 Crusader of Endymion function as Gemini Spark targets as well as beatsticks, with the latter being better because he's light and has 100 more ATK points. Kycoo is an awesome meta pick; he's beefy (especially with Wonder Wand), disrupts the graveyard by removing names for Judgment Dragon, Darks for Dark Armed and targets for BLS and Sorc. He also stops the Chaos Duo from being summoned at all, as well as Agent players removing fallen Earths and Venuses to summon Hyperion, because your opponent cannot remove monsters in their graveyard from play. Kycoo is also DARK.

For the Spell there's only 1 that is worth talking about; Wonder Wand. The card got lots of hype when it was announced 6 months ago as the card that would sky rocket Gravekeepers to Tier 0. When it was released in Generation Force under a month ago, the hype had died down because everyone wanted to get their paws on Roach and Leviair. Wonder Wand has two uses; it's first is making small(er) monsters such as Breaker and Kycoo into big(ger) monsters. Kycoo equipped with Wand can run over any monster with under 2200; as well as crashing hands with Brionac. Wonder Wand also makes Sorcerer 2800 attack, destroying Trishula, Scrap Archfiend, Hyperion, Catastor and more! The extra attack also helps him get his effect off more often. The second use of Wonder Wand is making the deck faster. Summoning Breaker, clearing a threat and then equipping it with Wand is technically a +2 play, it gives you more options in your hand and more Dark targets for the Chaos monsters.

The final card to talk about is Magician's Circle, the closest thing to a RoTA for Spellcasters. Magician's Circle let's both players special summon a Spellcaster monster from their deck in face-up attack. Note: it's mandatory; so unless they can't, your opponent is going to have to waste a Veiler. The card is obviously sided out against Gravekeepers because their whole deck is Spell Caster monsters and it gives them the ability to summon whatever they want. The benefits of Circle are keeping the 3 Gemini Sparks alive and putting larger damage on the board, as well as easy access to Rank 4 Xyz monsters such as Utopia (or Roach if you have the cash, or luck).

I hope you enjoyed the deck. Unfortunately I go back to school tomorrow; so updates may be less frequent. I'm also trying to add more variety to the blog, so any ideas are welcome!